Country Risk Reviews

Country Risk Reviews

Country Risk Reviews is a consulting service we offer that provides businesses with a comprehensive analysis of the political, economic, and social risks associated with operating in a specific country or region.

Our Country Risk Service provides a highlight of key political, economic and social issues that will drive the economy during a specific period. It provides an assessment of how these issues will impact growth and fit them into scenarios by:

    • Providing assumptions and signposts for each scenario
    • Highlighting how each scenario is likely to impact the Nigerian economy and the asset management space
    • Provide macroeconomic projections for each period

The service focuses on the following key areas:

    • Key Macro Scenarios
    • Risks and Opportunities in identified Scenarios
    • The External Sector
    • Finances of the Central Government
    • Money and the Banking System
    • Businesses and Households
    • Impact on the portfolio of the organisation